Is it really possible that they are ruining the engine of our economy and of many other coastal towns? The reality is closer than many of us may imagine, since the introduction of the new Law
15/2018 the 7th of June this year, in which they now ask for a report of urban compatibility of the town hall to be able to register your holiday accommodation with the tourism board. Something
that is impossible to obtain since the touristic use does not exist in the general urban plan of any (with one exception) of the town halls. Which means that since the government introduced this
law, no one has been able to register his house or apartment in order to rent it legally.
It doesn't matter if you are a rental agency, real estate agent or owner of a second home, constructor electrician or plumber, if you work in a bar, shop or supermarket, this affects all of us
because, let's be honest, we all live here, directly or indirectly, from tourism. And most tourists nowadays reside in holiday accommodations, that is they rent an apartment or house to spend
their vacations rather than staying in a hotel, camping, hostel etc.
In addition these are not the times to play with this topic, the figures already show that foreign tourism has dropped slightly this year and we are facing again more competitors like Egypt,
Greece, Turkey and Croatia.
This instability that they have created now causes people to go on holiday somewhere else and invest their money elsewhere, with that goes the sales, construction, renovations, gardeners and pool
men... etc etc, in the end it's all connected.
Let's see if we all wake up before it's too late and let them know that we do want tourism here in this area. We want to work.
Do you want to help us? Sign our petition on Change.org
Saludos, Manon